Lease Calculator, Forms & Downloads
Interest Rate Guide
Lease capital value $300,001 and above
Lease capital value $100,001 - $300,000
Lease capital value $20,001 - $100,000
Lease capital value $ 10,001 - $ 20,000
Lease capital value $ 3,001 - $ 10,000
Lease capital value $ 1,000. - $ 3,000
Upon request
13.0 %
14.5 %
16.0 %
All lease pricing is based on a non-maintained lease
Minimum lease term 36 months, some IRD rules apply depending on type of equipment leased
All lease equipment is to be covered by the end customer's insurance policy
All leases invoiced month in advance
Credit conditions apply
Any lease capital value over $20,000 excluding GST must be approved prior to pricing
Leases are based on tangible assets
Minimum lease capital value $1,000
All lease prices are exclusive of GST